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(A Daily Prophetic Voice)

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 “The voice of victory” a daily prophetic voice started in June 6 th , 2012. I can say it was divine, it was birth on the altar of prayer. While praying for a surgeon who had a health situation at a time and after several weeks into months, I didn’t see what I was expecting, I mean the effect or result of the prayers for the Bible says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”1John 5:14-15 



So, I asked God what I should do next as I was feeling discourage about the whole issue without much changes. I began to ask questions? Was it his head knowledge that was getting on the way? Was it his doubt or unbelief? While alone praying and meditating on this individual. The Holy Spirit ministered to me that, “I did answer your prayers and his prayers but, it didn’t come the way, form and fashion you were expecting it; all the major cheilectomy surgeries that was done successfully in U of M, Ann Arborand Cleveland Mayo clinic, Ohio. It was all my doing, things would have gone other way, but successful because I AM present.”


The Lord went further to let me know that, the one that started it has completed it before it ever started. The Holy Spirit then took me into the book of Psalm 107:20 “He sent forth His word and His word healed them and delivered them from their destructions.”Send My word to him and watch the rest.

I said, “thank you Holy Spirit”, I got an answer. I composed the first text message with the bible reference specifically for this man on June 6th, 2012. After sending it, the Holy Spirit prompted me to share the text message (the word) with other people on your phone contact, they all needed it as well. That was the genesis of the voice of victory which is now reaching thousands of people daily across the globe with amazing testimonies. The number one testimony is that the man whose situation prompted the starting of the voice of victory is now healed and delivered acknowledging and thanking God for His faithfulness.

Voice of Victory Testimonies

A brother from Illinois who said to me that, he has made up his mind a night before to get angry the following day on an issue with a certain individual at his workplace, then voice of victory came to meet him early in the morning. It was the word for the moment. He cannot but to call and asked me this question:

“Why can’t God even let one get angry even for a day”? He planned overnight to get angry at someone but “The Word” arrested him.(Bob – IL)

What about a brother, one of the recipients of the daily prophetic voice. He called me to have a discussion with me, I accorded him a moment and he told me his story or ordeal (very painful and disappointing). He said, he would have gotten someone killed but the voice of victory for that day was on forgiveness. He said, the message was just too direct saying, “Yes, you must forgive, for you were forgiven.” He couldn’t get over the message of that day but to call me. He ends up sending the same message to the person that hurt him and that was how God took over. (Anonymous – MI).

The timing of this couldn’t have been more obviously God. I was just telling Logan that I haven’t heard from Mr. Mefford yet and that I was getting nervous, but I needed to stop being nervous and trust God. No kidding, as I was talking I heard this notification on my phone! He cares for me! He is faithful and GOOD! (Elaine – MI)

One of recipient of voice of victory in Maryland said, “this daily prophetic voice is so rich, have you consider compiling it into a book?”

This has cause us to compile it into a book – “The Voice of Victory – A daily prophetic voice which will be published soon.



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